Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sensual Phone Sex Seductress

  Someone asked me recently what it's like to live the life of a beautiful woman. Well I can say that it's not nearly as glamorous as some people would believe it to be. It can actually be pretty frustrating being a sensual phone sex goddess. It can be difficult to make female friends because they all think that I'm a stuck up bitch when in reality I simply have standards. I'm a grown woman and I have no desire to spend time with people that aren't going anywhere in life and have no real ambitions.  They accuse me of flirting with their boyfriends and wanting to fuck them. Just because I'm attractive and carry myself with confidence doesn't mean that I want to screw any man in sight. I can't help it if people are drawn to me because I'm an intelligent beautiful woman. I have a certain aura about me that draws people in and makes it easy to get what I want out of life. I don't see anything wrong with that at all, after all a smart woman uses every possible tool to her advantage.
  I have heard just about every lame pick up line there is and they do absolutely nothing for me. I much prefer a real man with some substance that can manage to actually look me in the eye instead of simply staring at my breasts. Guys like that are not real men at all, they're little boys pretending to be men. They actually are tipping their hands when they make lewd comments like that, it just shows me that more likely than not they are seriously lacking in the sexual department. The only thing they are good for is little dick humiliation phone sex. I've quickly learned how to spot a real man. They carry themselves with the same self confidence that I do and easily make eye contact. They know that they have nothing to be ashamed of and that they can actually keep up with me in the bedroom.
  Yes I admit that I can be a bit of a nympho phone sex size queen but it definitely takes a certain sort of man to bring that side of me out. For the pretenders, prepare to kneel down, obey and open that wallet up for me. Even though you aren't remotely up to my standards or even in the same league as me you can still find a way to make yourself useful. It does give me a certain sense of satisfaction to take money from little dick losers. After all, I deserve it much more than they do. 

Call your wallet rape phone sex milf Marie at: 1-888-474-6769
Look for me on Yahoo: SeductiveXXXMarie Aim: SeductiveMarie
Follow me on Twitter@SeductiveMarie


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